Bob Products: Gentle Deodorants
When shifting towards a more natural lifestyle, an underlying requirement is effectiveness; if we’re going to swap out a product we love in pursuit of health, sustainability, or ethics, it had better work just as well.
Take deodorant, for example. As body odour can be a cause of self-consciousness for many, switching to a gentler product that masks smell can be difficult, with most products not performing as well as the harmful alternatives we have become accustomed to.
Erica Brooke’s collection of gentle deodorants was the first to convince us, and many of our clients, that the words natural, effective, and deodorant can co-exist. And because we love it so much, it’s available for purchase at Bob.
As the skin is the largest organ, absorbing 70 per cent of what is applied to its surface, Erica Brooke’s deodorant crèmes replace toxins found in most deodorant products - such as aluminium, which has been linked to the development of Alzheimer’s disease, and parabens, which have been linked to breast and prostate cancer – with an array of gentle ingredients.
Designed for him and her, organic ingredients such as coconut oil, shea butter, and essential oils combine to create a hardworking deodorant, that is loved by the Bob team.